Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Multitude of Mediocrity

I’ve considered starting a blog in the past, but I was unconvinced I had anything valuable to say.  However, as thoughts pop into my head I find it therapeutic to take the time to explore them.  Thoughts about parenting, working, relationships, observations from daily life, and how I can tie them together – with a healthy sense of humor.  So, you may argue I still don’t have anything valuable to say (and I may agree), but it’s valuable to me to write it. And to the extent anyone reads any of this and is able to relate to it, even in a small way, we can laugh together and take comfort in shared experiences.  In the meantime, my wonderfully patient husband may be relieved that some of this fodder moves from the dinner table to the open airspace of the interwebs.
I make no commitment to how often I will make posts or how good they will be.  I’ve been in my brain for a while now, so what I can tell you is to expect a wide variety of topics and random quirks explored here.  I love to write, but the thought of anyone reading anything I’ve written is completely foreign to me and incredibly scary, so I humbly thank you for even making it this far.
And a quick note on the name of the blog – Multitude of Mediocrity.  It’s a happy coincidence that the acronym is M.O.M, but I didn’t start there.  I’ve always felt like a bit of a “jack (or jill?) of all trades, master of none” (emphasis on the second part of that phrase…I am nothing if not self-deprecating!).  I can generally hold my own in intelligent conversation, I can carry a tune, and I’m reasonably athletic. However, I didn’t go to Harvard, I would not call myself a musician by any stretch, and I certainly didn’t receive an athletic scholarship (or even compete in high school sports for that matter).  I’ve never felt like the best at any one thing, and I really don’t know what my “thing” is.  Those who know me well know that I can get equally excited about gardening, Shark Week, financial analysis, or a good book.  And don’t get me wrong, I love the variety! 
This dynamic has been highlighted in my life as I juggle an increasing number of adult responsibilities – marriage, parenting, church activities, managing a household, and working full time.  For any of us with a lot on our plates, it’s easy to question whether we’re able to truly devote enough of ourselves to each of these tasks.  I use the term “multitude of mediocrity” partially in jest, of course, to recognize that we all feel this way at times but we’re just doing the best we can to keep it all together.  And counting each amazing blessing along the way.
Let's do this.

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