are made for kids. Or maybe, those who act like kids. Too often, in
my opinion, the population set of those who act like kids is unfortunately limited
to actual kids, so this summer, I’m vowing to act more like a kid. I’m a civil servant like that.
this weekend was any indication, we’re off to a great start. The
temperatures were forecasted to be very warm, definitely the hottest of the season
so far. “We need a pool,” I concluded Saturday morning, and dragged out
the small wading pool from the garage to fill with water. That project
took all of about five minutes because our pool is a glorified bird bath and
holds three inches of water. “Well, we need a bigger pool,” I said
matter-of-factly. In the midst of mentally strategizing about upgraded
pool options, I also got out the sprinkler, because no hot day is complete
without that. As I watched the kids run back and forth through the sprays
of water, my two-year-old walked over, raised her hand to me and said, “Mommy,
we go a-gether (together).” I was not wearing a swimming suit (rookie
mistake), but it didn’t take long to determine that the pros outweighed the
cons in this situation. I took her hand and we ran through the sprinkler
together, giggling and squealing as the cold water tickled our skin.
next step after lunch was to take the kids to the toy store to pick up a
larger, inflatable backyard pool (naptime can wait – it’s summer after
all). Key pool requirement: something big enough for Mom to sit in.
I was quite possibly more excited than they were at this point. I was
laser focused on all options the toy store had to offer for water fun, while
they were distracted by everything else shiny and noisy. After providing
the allotted time to sit in the Power Wheels, and herding them away from
assorted sizes of plush characters, we landed on a great option. They
also each picked out a camp chair, because, well, you need somewhere to sit and
dangle your feet by the pool.
headed home, and while the littles rested I inflated the pool and filled it
with water (18 inches now as opposed to three – we’re moving on up!). I
then put on my swimming suit and eagerly waited for them to wake up. I
was reminiscing about the summers of my childhood when we filled the pool in
our backyard, demolishing the grass in its wake. I felt a familiar anticipation as the hose slowly filled
the pool with cool water, and I scooped out the stray bug or leaf that managed
to float in. I used to treat that small backyard pool as a legit Olympic
experience – donning goggles and awkwardly trying to accomplish all the
same acrobatic feats I could perform in the five foot depth of the local public
amounts of sunscreen later, and we were in. It was glorious. My
only regret was that the kids’ attention span for the luxuries of the pool was
not as long as my own. I would have loved to lounge there for hours, but
they were lured away by all other forms of backyard fun. Namely, the
neighbor’s swingset which they so graciously allow our children to use.
We wore a path in the grass running back and forth between the swings and the
pool in our bare feet. Playing outside in bare feet – when was the last
time I did that?! Talk about embracing childhood again.
repeated pleas from my toddler to push her on the swings, I was once again
standing by the swingset while they soared through the air. My son, who
changed my life a couple years ago when he started to pump his legs on the
swings and no longer required pushing, was happily climbing higher and higher
in the air. “Hey Mom,” he said, “If I close my eyes when I’m
swinging really high it feels like I’m flying!” YES, I thought to
myself. You’re SO right! I remember doing that very same thing when
I was a kid. Closing my eyes and flying high on the swing set, pockets of
brightness permeating my eyelids as the sunshine peeked through the treetops
while I would swing back and forth. That sensation was buried deep in my
memory, and it just took someone verbalizing it so perfectly for me to
immediately recall it. My daughter quickly picked up on big brother’s fun
(as she always does) and began instructing me to “Push me high, and I close my
eyes and fly.” After giving her an underdog (that’s still a thing and my
kids know the name of it!), she smiled widely, eyes shut tight and said, “I
flying, Mommy!!! I flying!” It darn near brings me to tears to see
my kids so happy about something so simple.
my loves. FLY. Experience life. Embrace your childhood.
Be free and have fun, this is what I wish for you. The serious business
of growing up will come later, but you’re little and it’s summer. Shoes
and socks optional. My only request is that you let me join you. I
promise to supply lemonade and popsicles, picnic lunches and dry towels.
I will keep our little pool filled up and bug-free. I will accompany you
on bike rides and backyard adventures. Let’s hold hands, laugh in the
sunshine, and lay on our backs and look at the clouds. Let’s fall into
bed at night smelling of sunscreen and ice cream. Summer has a way of slowing down time and
making our little corner of the world so vibrant and carefree. We could
all use a little more of that.
I assumed you would be in the pool later with wine sans kids :P